Saturday, June 6, 2009

Weekley Assignment

Ok, here is another topic we are starting. this is in addition to our bi-weekly "Monday's Finest" postings.

The purpose of The assignment, is to challenge us all. And help us learn somethings we may or may not know. To streatch our abilities and really make us think about shooting. We all get in 'ruts' and sometimes dont realize it. We end up shooting the same way and the same things time after time. We forget about our creativity, and as well all make your shots stand out, you have to use your creative side. Otherwise, it becomes just another snap shot.

So, with that in mind, I will post an assignment here every Sat. You have until the next Sat. to post your version on the assignment. Some of the assignment ideas will come from other sites that I have seen, or magazines, books or maybe even sometimes my own ideas. Wherever I see inspiration and feel it would be something useful and fun for our group. Also, if you have an idea, just let me know. I can use all the help I can get. These assignments are here for us to have fun with and help us expand. So, dont get bogged down with the assignments and the Monday's Finest. Just relax and enjoy your passion, photography. This will hopefully keep us shooting and keep us creative. I will post the first Assignment later today. Good luck and have fun.

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