Saturday, May 30, 2009

Our first outting

Ok, so first off, I know we are all very busy these days. With children, family, work and of course, pictures. That being said, I think we still need to take time to get together, have everyone meet and just enjoy taking a few pictures for fun.

So, I think we will do our first meeting during the week instead of on the weekend. Seems in the summer the weekends are more busy than the week. Also, most of us have small children and dont always have the luxery of having a family 'babysitter'. Oh yeah, and our kids seem to be the reason a lot of us got into photography anyway. We are going to do the first meeting in Downtown Greenville. Seems to be a good starting place for us, seeing as we dont all live right beside each other. There is this great little Childrens Garden near the fountains close to West End. Most people dont know about this little place, but it is really great. Lots of spots for great childrens pictures, as well as some water, duck and flower shots.

I am looking at maybe doing it on Wed. June 3rd. Not sure of a time just yet. We will need to decide if we want it earlier in the morning, for nice morning light, or later in the evening for that lovely setting sun glow. So either around 10 am or 7 pm-ish. For this one, we can bring our children. Which is one reason I chose the area. If you havent been before its a very lovely place. There is the link, just follow that and then be sure to click on the virtual tour link. It just gives you some more info and a few pictures taken there. Please let me know if this date and which time is better for you. i know we cant accomodate everyone, but I will try to work it out for everyone I can. I am posting a few pics we took last summer when we went with the MOMS Club.

Oh yeah, dont forget, we are starting our bi-weekly postings this monday. So start thinking about what pictures you want to share. I am looking forward to seeing them. I will try and post some pictures that are not on-line anywhere else. that way we can keep the "Monday's Finest" fresh and original.

Thanks for taking the time to read this long post. Looking forward to hearing back from everyone about the outting.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Just some general info and ideas

Ok, here we go. Krista and I had lunch together today and went over a few ideas for the group. One of the things we talked about was what and when to post pictures. Well, unless we have an 'assignment' for that week, you can post anything you like. From flowers, to our wonderful children to a shoot you may have done that week. We are going to start posting bi-weekly for now. I also think posting on every other Monday would be good. That way we can post somethings we may have shot on the weekend. You dont have to just post on the Monday, you can post questions, or ideas or maybe a picture you are happy with and want to let everyone know how you did it. This is all really up to you, but if we could try and all post atleast one pic on the 'due' day that would be great.
Also, I am going to put together an 'outting' day. If you guys would comment here and let me know a few ideas you may have on a place or subject to photograph. That will get some ideas started. If we dont do your idea this time, then we will try it the next time if we can. We are going to try to do one outting a month if possible. It is obviously not a requirement, but will be so much fun that I sure you will want to try really hard to make it. If there is a weekend in June that you can absolutely not make, let me know and we will try to work around it. I am thinking the 3rd Saturday of each month would be a good jumping off point. So, if we do it that way, we would have our trip on Sat., June 20th.

Please, Please, Please let me know any opinions or ideas you have. This is your group as well. So, all of that being said, get out there and shoot. Oh and above all, have fun and keep enjoying what you do.

Oh, the pictures are just from the shoot I did with Lindsay on Monday. Figured I might as well post a picture whenever I blog anything.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Begining

Hello new Blog. This is a first for me, blogging and such, but I am really looking forward to this new journey. With the help of some new friends and a few old ones, I am sure we can really make this group a great one. We will be working on the group, adding members, designing the blog, and of course, posting pictures. After all' that is what we do. So, follow us, and join us. We are always looking for input and ideas. We are here to share, learn and help.
BTW....This was taken at Hollywild last week, from the Safari bus. This is straight out of the camera. Only converted to jpeg from RAW to get it posted. This is the Rhino from the Zycam commercials. Pretty niffty huh? Just put it on here to test to see if I am doing all this picture blogging correctly.